WOW! What a year 2020 has been. We've all been through it and it's effected everything, literally every aspect of our lives has been turned sideways to some extent or another.
I'm sure you've heard the old adage:
"Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond to it"
This is something I use a lot as a coach and a mentor for others because I believe it to be 100% true. The fact is, nobody is ever going to live their life without adversity of some kind and failure is an absolute consistent part of life. In fact, I believe in most cases if you aren't failing you aren't trying hard enough to accomplish your goals, so if you're extending yourself in any way (and even when you aren't) you will experience failure or setback.
Just like every other facet of life, development is NOT linear and never will be. There are so many factors contributing to development it's literally impossible to have an exact straight path to the top so coaches and athletes need to stop expecting this. Just because you see someone on social media looking like they have had a straight path that is absolutely an illusion.
There are so many factors to development it is entirely impossible to have linear development. Athletes in puberty or growth spurts are constantly trying to gain mechanical advantage and learn their body's new shapes and sizes to coordinate their movements. Mental development and an athlete's mental state is constantly fluctuating like the rest of us with a myriad of thoughts orbiting our minds on the regular regarding confidence, purpose, motivation, etc. The same can be said for our emotional state on any given day. Physical strength, speed, power, and flexibility are always variable, and an athlete's understanding of their sport and the concepts involved in successful participation of that sport.
With that being said, and in these times of adversity, expect development and strive for development, but don't expect it to be easy, smooth, or linear! Continue to put in the work day to day and in the long run you will come out on top. Development is always a marathon, NOT a sprint. Stay positive through challenges and keep getting better.
Take 30-60 minutes every single day and make yourself better at something you want to improve. Every single day. Only 30 minutes/day ends up being 182 hours of work in a year!
Looking for a specific program and structure to provide you the 60 minutes each day you need to train through these uncertain and unprecedented times? We are here to help. Individual and team training programs are available NOW! Designed to do complete from home with little equipment and ridiculously affordable price of $1/day!